NBA Lockout
Well, 2011 saw the infamous NBA lockout come and go. Thank goodness it only made a minor dent in our season and Fantasy Basketball League. We've got some new additions to the League this season and it looks to be a fun time. Speaking of the League, guess who got first round draft pick? Yours truly! That's right my friends, the Fantasy gods smiled down upon me and blessed Team Reservoir Pugs with Kevin Durant. See you in the playoffs!

I mentioned in my "Favorite Things" blog how much I love Battlepug. I discovered this little gem of a web comic early 2011. I am continually amazed at how great the story & art is. Battlepug is the best part of my Mondays now. I also look forward to the Friday Battlepuggage. This week's panel blew my fucking mind!

UT Basketball
I've never been to any kind of sporting event, not even when I was a student at UT. I don't care much for football or baseball, but I do enjoy basketball. I got to attend my first basketball game at Frank Erwin Center and it was a lot of fun. My goal is to attend an NBA game this year. I'd love more than anything to see the Celtics in action or even the Bulls.

The Turkey surprised me with a gift of the gopher! Now I have my very own little gopher who sings and dances along to the theme song of my favorite movie CADDYSHACK.
I got to see the beloved Morrissey this past year. Being of Hispanic origin, I am predisposed to LOVE all things Moz. I gotta say, the old goat has still got it. How many 52yr. old men do you know that can make boys/girls swoon while tossing his shirt into the audience?
WHAS is in my top 5 of all time funniest movies. I remember the first time I saw it with John T, I was in tears from laughing so hard. There are so many quotable lines from that film it's ridiculous. I had the opportunity to catch a screening of it at the Alamo Drafthouse with Joe Lo Truglio (Neil) in attendance. We even got to speak with Joe very briefly afterwards; he was incredibly funny & nice.

Chuck Palahniuk
I like to read, there I said it! When I'm not catching up on films, I'm usually reading. I'm not a very fast reader, but this year my goal is to read twice as many books as I read in 2011. I've read most of Palahniuk's books including his most recent Damned. I think he's a wonderful writer who only gets better and better. He was in town in October for the book festival. I got a signed copy of his book and got to see him do a reading at the Scoot Inn. He read a story he wrote for Playboy that was so absurd yet awesome.

In June we braved the summer heat to visit the house that Leatherface built. The Alamo had a rolling roadshow of the original CHAINSAW film with cast members/ crew in front of the house where the film was shot in Kingsland, TX. As a rabid horror fan, words cannot express what an experience this pilgrimage was for me.
Austin Comic Con
My Buffy fan flag was flying high when Comic Con came around. Not only did I get to see two panels of cast members, but I also went to the sing along with Spike in attendance. I got to hear my favorite vampire since Gary Oldman belt out a few tunes and it was magical. His voice was like a cross between Fergie and Jesus.
San Francisco
I used to travel a lot and it seems lately that has taken a backseat. I intend to change that immediately. I back to San Francisco in September and had the most amazing time. I got to see my favorite designer, Betsey Johnson! I got to visit The Rock! Most of all, I got to see Peter Hook of New Order (one of my all time favorite bands) play Closer! It was such an incredible trip that was only matched by the delicious food we ate. I can't wait to go back.

I gotta say that 2011 was a pri-tay, pri-tay, pri-tay good year for me. It definitely had it's ups and downs, but overall it was a good year. I can only hope that 2012 brings more triumphs for the both of us!

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