So, is anyone reeling in the loss of Oprah Winfrey's talk show? Didn't think so. However, usually this time of the year Oprah would host an episode where she'd talk about her favorite stuff. Then she'd give people a bunch of shit like cars, scarves, and Michael Buble CDs. I will be doing no such thing, but I thought I would share a few of my own favorite things. Here goes:

Thanks to the Vegan Black Metal Chef, I have gained a bit of confidence in my cooking skills. I'm beginning to feel a little more comfortable around the kitchen and have come to the conclusion that spices are incredibly important. I've amassed a decent collection of spices from Central Market, but there's a couple new spice shops around town that are pretty awesome. I've also realized that garlic goes great on any and everything...LOTS of garlic. I really love tangy flavors too. If you get a chance check out the Savory Spice Shop.

There's nothing worse than cold feet...literally not metaphorically! It's safe to say that I am consistently cold, especially my feet. I think it's very important for someone to own a decent pair of slippers. The pair I currently use have seen better days so I am on the hunt for a new pair. I'm open to suggestions.

Xmas Stocking
I never put up decorations for Christmas with the exception of stockings. Sandy Claws likes to bring Spike some treats for the holiday so I put up a stocking for the little guy. I have a pretty cool one for myself too that was a gift many years ago. I would be willing to trade in my stocking for this upgrade. Nothing says Christmas like "God Hates Us All."

I've read comic books on and off since I was ten years old. I've picked up a few cools ones lately. I really love the new Hellraiser; it's got great artwork. I have to say that my all time favorite comic has to be Battlepug. Battlepug is a weekly web comic by Mike Norton. It's the story of a great warrior on a long journey aboard a giant pug. What could be more awesome than that!? Seriously, the story and art are amazing. I look forward to a new panel every Monday and the Friday Reader submitted pugs are adorable.

Garlic Press
As previously noted, I love garlic! I use it with just about everything I cook. Fresh garlic is the best, but I'm not opposed to minced or powder. I've had a couple different garlic presses before, but the best one I've found came from IKEA. It's stainless steel, easy to clean, and inexpensive. Those Swedes really know how to make terrific furniture and home accessories.

Jalapeno Cheetos
No thanks to Chris P, I am now addicted to these delicious treats. I used to be a fiend for Flaming Hots, but I got burnt out on them. The jalapeno flavor isn't as spicy, but they still have a kick.

I'm almost done reading the newest Chuck Palahniuk book. Much like the rest of his collection, it's pretty dark and satirical. So far, it's been a great read. The story is about a thirteen year old girl who dies and goes to hell. All the chapters begin with, "Are you there Satan? It's me Madison." Madison talks about her previous life on Earth and the current one in Hell. I can't say I have ever read anything by Palahniuk I didn't like.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Pugs will always be my favorite dog breed. Some may say that I am pugsessed; I hope to own five pugs one day! Lately, I've come across several corgis that are unbelievable cute. One of my favorite writers, Joe Hill, is a corgi enthusiast and owner so he often posts photos of funny corgis. To be honest, I love all pooches so it's really not hard to sell me on them.

Ellis is another of my favorite writers. His twitter feed is never boring. He often talks about films, TV, music, his 25yr old boyfriend and current events. Ellis regularly discusses everything from the "It gets better" campaign to the actors he had in mind when developing characters. His current Oscar predictions are truly insightful. Ellis recently commented on the possibility of an AMERICAN PSYCHO remake and quickly shot it down.

Austin Terrier
This place has quickly become my new favorite restaurant and it's located right in my own neighborhood. I have yet to try anything here that I did not enjoy. They've got everything from sandwiches, pizzas, soups, and salads. Austin Terrier also has a great selection of beers and the staff is superb.

No matter where the holidays take you, I really hope you have a wonderful season!

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