This year started out much like any other, with not to many prospects on the horizon. The beginning of 2010 was a bit rough; I lost a close family member and my life just felt very adrift and empty. Come spring, I made some very important and difficult decisions for myself that I'm now certain will benefit me in the long run. The last few months have been incredibly busy for me. Honestly, at times I felt discouraged and overwhelmed but that was all momentarily. I have a wonderful support system. I also have so many great things to look forward to in the future.
This year I decided I need to do more things for myself and stop being consumed with adversity. I started this blog in the beginning of 2010 which was an accomplishment in itself. I am no Salinger, but I do enjoy writing and sharing ideas. I am very grateful to those of you who continue to read these posts. I hope I can continue to engage you with my tales. I have put together a wrap up of some of my favorite events of 2010. I look forward to twice as many events in 2011.
MONSTER SQUAD is one of my favorite childhood films. It made me feel like there were other kids out there that felt the same as I did and that we did belong somewhere. It was scary, funny, and endearing all at the same time. In January, The Alamo Drafthouse Ritz held a special screening of the film with cast and crew in attendance. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd get to meet Sean and Rudy, but I did. Everyone was so pleasant and kind. It was an amazing experience!
Gals Panic reunion
Back home Gals Panic were legends. They were one of the first bands I remember seeing when I started frequenting punk shows in middle school. I can't say I've heard anything like them since. They broke up nearly a decade ago but have played reunion shows a couple times since and I have seen every one. The show in March at Emos was extra special because I got to share it with my dear friend Jeremy who was also at those old shows so many years ago.

Megaphone PA Show
My friend Chad and I used to do a podcast a couple years ago called The Bitter Pad. We'd mostly interview scorned friends who had recently been dumped. As Chad has been coming up in the local comedy scene, he got the opportunity to host his own show with a live studio audience. He graciously asked me to be his co-host and I eagerly accepted. We've had a lot of fun doing the show. There's been some great musical, alcoholic, and comedic guests. Tune in on ustream if you can't make it out.
Fantasy Basketball
I never really understood the appeal of sporting events. I never even understood the rules in the first place. I caught a couple basketball games during the playoff games for last season. Thanks to Ross and Yogi who patiently explained the rules, I have now found a new interest in basketball. I also joined a Fantasy Basketball League with some friends and my team(The Fighting Pugs) is not doing too bad. Fantasy Sports are the equivalent of Dungeons & Dragons for jocks. The only difference is that you get to be a bit more creative with D & D. I've attempted to play D & D but found it too meticulous for me so I will just settle for the Fantasy version. Wish me luck in the playoffs!

Human Centipede
I'll admit I was a bit disappointed when I actually saw this masterpiece. It was hyped up to be something completely disturbing in the vain of Salo`. Since then, it has definitely grown on me as something much more comical. This film has taken on a life of its own. Just the other day I had a conversation about Human Centipede with the cashier at Chik-Fil-A when he recognized my t-shirt that has the medically accurate diagram on it. Now you can buy cat toys, bracelets, and Christmas ornaments of the same image. You know a film has made it when there's a porn parody of it. I can't wait for the sequel!

forgetters double 7"
As most of you know Jawbreaker is my favorite band and Blake Schwarzenbach is my favorite songwriter. I had the opportunity to see his new band forgetters play twice in 2009 during FunFunFun Fest. When this little treasure finally came in the mail, it was like Christmas. I have been waiting for new music from Blake since the last JTB album that came out in 2002. The songs do not disappoint and I am anxious to hear more from this outfit.

Texas Stars vs. San Antonio Rampage
I've always been a bit intrigued by hockey due to its violent nature. This winter I had the chance to attend a real hockey game in Cedar Park. Let me tell you, there's NOTHING like eating nachos, drinking beer, screaming obscenities, and watching grown men beat the shit out of each other on ice. Between the fights, the giant flying hamburger, and the bizarre dancing I had the best time and even got a free blanket. I hope to attend more games in the future.

Eli Roth
I admit, I have a little crush on the one and only Bear Jew. I think I enjoy his sense of humor and passion for horror more than the actual films he directs. I guess I relate to him in a sense. This summer, he was in town to host an advanced screening of THE LAST EXORCISM at The Alamo Drafthouse S. Lamar. I didn't get to make that event, but I did go to the midnight screening of PIRANHA 3D which in hindsight was a far superior film than EXORCISM. As we had pre-drinks at The Highball, we just so happen to run into Eli. We exchanged pleasantries and I watched him roll a gutter ball while looking remarkably stylish in cargo shorts. The director for EXORCISM, Daniel Stamm actually fell asleep in the seat next to me during PIRANHA. The Alamo Drafthouse continues to make dreams come true and I could never have a better movie experience than I do at their theaters.

I was excited to see DEVO at FunFunFun Fest 2010. When they cancelled, I was still excited to see friends and just have a good time at the Fest. Once the news came out of Descendents filling in as a replacement, all hell broke loose. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd get to see them again. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was able to see them on the Everything Sucks tour and it was one of the best times of my life. I also said before that your Descendents friends are the ones you want to keep forever. Even though most of us have moved on to different places and we don't talk very much, I still remember the great times we had. Kevin, Victor, Jason B, Robbie, Christina, Carlos, and Eddie, you guys are always in my thoughts. Seeing The Descendents again made me feel like that 16yr old girl who didn't have a care in the world.
"These days the people I love are spread so far apart."

I think it's safe to say I'm not a Hanson fan. My friends Yogi & Nicole, on the other hand, celebrate their entire catalog(and not in an ironic way). Their first dance as a married couple was to a Hanson song. Somehow the fates called down and Hanson was scheduled to preform on Yogi's birthday so I begrudgingly agreed to attend. Now after frequenting SXSW and Warped Tour for several years, I figured I've seen MUCH worse musical acts than Hanson(Good Charlotte at La Zona Rosa comes to mind). Surprisingly, the performance was quit entertaining and engaging. I did have a considerable number of drinks so that might have helped. Frankly, Hanson was a lot better than most of the bullshit hipster bands I painstakingly watched at FunFunFun Fest(Best Coast I'm looking at you). It was just nice to see my friends actually stoked about something.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year!
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