Jim Jarmusch
Hands down, Jarmusch is the king of cool. His style seems so effortless. He's like the Thurston Moore of film. My personal favorite is COFFEE AND CIGARETTES.I love the episode of Bored to Death he was in. Jarmusch can even make Roberto Benigni seem cool.

David Lynch
David Lynch has managed to create a genre unto himself. You don't really know what to expect when you get into a Lynch film. You do know it will be weird, confusing, sexy, and captivating. I sat in a crowded theatre on opening night for over three hours watching INLAND EMPIRE and I still have no clue what I witnessed. I never get tired of watching Twin Peaks, but I have to say my favorite Lynch film is WILD AT HEART. I'm an Elvis girl.

Cameron Crowe
I know you're thinking WTF, but hear me out. Crowe is an amazing storyteller and the voice of a generation filled with angst. He relates to young people in a way Gus Van Sant wishes he could. He was originally a music journalist so his soundtracks always kick ass. ALMOST FAMOUS is my favorite but I do have a soft spot for SAY ANYTHING. What can I say? The estrogen in me makes me predisposed to Lloyd Dobler.

Takashi Miike
Miike has single handedly changed the face of horror. Only he can fuse humor and violence into a mind blowing work of art. He often cites horror greats like Hooper and Carpenter as influences. However, no current filmmaker compares to his breathtaking style. My favorite is AUDITION, not for the faint of heart.

Quentin Tarantino
"When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, no, I went to films." -QT
I have this crazy idea that if I ever met QT, we would become best friends. I have nothing but respect for someone so passionate about film. His style feels so enjoyable and mesmerizing. And it's all done without crazy special effects or $400 million. QT is like the Scorsese of our time. A lot of people criticized him for "ripping off" various Asian and Italian directors and I don't believe it for a minute. He's only paying tribute to those amazing directors and introducing a whole new generation to Fulci or Park Chan-Wook. What can I say? He's an Elvis man.

Great! Love them too!