I thought this was a quiz at first. Then I figured out they simply analyze personal text and give you a famous author that it resembles. I came across this site because Joe Hill posted something about it. Apparently, he "writes" like Stephen King. For that one person still living under a rock, Joe Hill IS Stephen King's son. I find it very interesting because I don't think he writes anything like King. As far as I'm concerned, their similarities lie within the same genre and that's about it. As a horror aficionado, I am not crazy about King's books (his movie adaptations are great). Hill, however, is one of my favorite writers. His text is so vivid it nearly comes to life. As we speak, I am in the midst of his latest novel, NOS4A2 and it is awesome.
Anyway, I had a few of my old blog posts analyzed (twice) and both times I came up with David Foster Wallace. Here is my confession: I have never read Infinite Jest. I know, I know. I don't have anything against it. It's just that the people who usually reference Infinite Jest are usually pretentious assholes. Maybe I should read it; it just seems like such a cliche. I actually don't know much about Wallace except that he committed suicide after a long history of depression. I hope that's not a bad omen. I guess I have to add Infinite Jest to my must read list.

Haha.. they are pretentious assholes, EXCEPT FOR VINCE.