My dear friend Ruth has got me reminiscing about the past lately. She regularly posts about various heartthrobs we swooned over in the 90s. Who didn't dream about Jordan Catalano leaning up against their locker with that aloof look on his face. Well, I figured I'd take a moment to talk about my one of my own adolescent crushes: Edward Furlong!

Legend goes that Edward Furlong was hand picked out of a Boys & Girls Club in Pasadena by a casting agent and voila' John Connor. With no previous acting experience, he really held his own against heavyweights like Linda Hamilton & The Govenator. I remember feeling completely bewitched watching him on the big screen riding around with Bobby Budnick on the back of his motorbike while listening to Guns N Roses "You Could Be Mine." I immediately went out and bought a dozen teen mags to plaster Eddie's pics on my wall right between Pinhead and Zack Morris.
Right after T2, Furlong went on to star in various indie films including a couple sci-fi/horror films (PET CEMETERY 2 & BRAINSCAN anyone?) He showed a lot of promise as far acting goes and I definitely followed his career closely (my favorite being PECKER). Some of you might not recall Furlong's short brush with a music career; he released a pop album in Japan. Not sure what a great idea that was, but you be the judge.
Furlong immediately moved in with his set tutor who was more than twice his age. Things only went down hill for Eddie from there. He sank deep into drugs and alcohol and even briefly dated Paris Hilton. A few stints in rehab, an arrest for trying to release lobsters, and a failed marriage have pretty much kept Furlong on a steady track to Leif Garrett-ism. Nick Stahl had to take over the John Connor role for the sequel because Furlong was such a mess. What happened you ask? Beats the hell out of me, but then again I was never a child actor. I just know this guy could've gone the way of Leo or DJ Frodo Ipod, but he blew it.
I recently watched good ol' Eddie in a terrible remake of NIGHT OF THE DEMONS and he just looked like a hot bloated train wreck. He also had a small role in the new GREEN HORNET so maybe he's poised for a comeback. I just hope he doesn't pull a Brad Renfro.
These days I mostly crush on men I consider phenomenal actors like Gary Oldman, Gael Garcia Bernal, and Javier Bardem. However, I have recently crossed Justin Theroux off that list based solely on his association with Jennifer Aniston. Why Justin? WHY?
Moral of the story:

Who are your adolescent crushes?
This post has motivated me to finally (after years of avoiding it) watch My So Called Life. I watched the pilot episode last night...I hope you are happy with yourself.