My mom has been pretty busy with other projects so I thought I’d take this time to tell you a little about myself. My name is Spike and I came into this world on September 19, 2004. My mom was still mourning the loss of her favorite show, "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," so that's where my name came from (she wasn't intentionally being unoriginal). I was born in San Antonio, TX. Mom essentially rescued me since my brother and I were in a litter of duds. Not only were we duds, but we were also runts and no one wanted us. My aunt took my brother Pico and Mom took me. Mom has always loved dogs and was waiting for the right time to have her own. Even though I was a surprise, my Mom still loves me unconditionally so I’ve got that going for me which is nice. Much like mom, I do NOT like cats or children. I do like to play fetch until you get tired and I'm great at cuddling. I have often been called "The Love Burglar." I like to listen to Boys II Men and watch The Big Bang Theory. I also enjoy running up and down the stairs repeatedly. I would not consider myself a morning person.

In the beginning, we moved around a lot. We have been in our current home for a few years and I have to say it’s a great place to live. Our neighborhood is very dog friendly so I’ve come to know most of the other pooches around. We go on walks a lot; my favorite thing to do is chase deer and squirrels.
Sometimes Mom will take me to the dog trail in Turkey Creek. It’s a three mile hike in the woods and it’s a ton of fun. We used to go to Bull Creek Dog Park all the time, but unfortunately the park is no longer leash free. We’re always looking for new parks to explore so if you know of any, let us know. I like to keep a close eye on the neighborhood too, you never know who's lucking out there.
My brother Pico AKA Pito is kind of lazy. He spends a lot of time sleeping and eating cheeseburgers. I guess we kind of look alike, only he’s dark brown and I’m light brown. My ears point up and his flop forward. Unlike me, Pito is allowed to eat table food which has resulted in pancreatitis. Pito is also notorious for digging in the trash.

I also have a cousin named Snoopy; my grandma is a big fan of Peanuts which explains his name. Snoopy is a mostly black Papillion who loves to be brushed and go for walks. Snoopy is also really funny. Sometimes I get jealous because Mom loves to play with Snoopy. I wish I could spend more time with my cousin and brother because I love to visit them in San Antonio. I love visiting friends and family but I do not like riding in the car.

I have a cousin who is of the feline persuasion that resides in Houston, TX. His name is Carlo; he's OK in my book considering my aversion to cats. Speaking of cats, there's a really crazy lady in our neighborhood that walks her ridiculous cat on a leash. Isn't that weird? I do have other cousins in AZ and DC that I hope to visit soon. You know with gas prices these days, it's hard to tell when that will happen.
Aside from my friends in the neighborhood, I have a few other friends I like to visit on occasion. My friend Ghostface Miller is an English bulldog I’ve become quite fond of. He’s big and drools a whole bunch, kind of like Glen ‘Big Baby’ Davis. He’s pretty lovable nonetheless.

Recently, Mom and I got to check out the K9 Karnival at Hyde Park High School. The Karnival was awesome; there were so many dogs for me to sniff! There was a puppy kissing booth, an obstacle course, games, treats, and face painting. I actually saw a Scottish terrier with purple eyebrows! We're really lucky to live in a place that's very dog friendly because there's always cool events going on in Austin. Now that it's getting hotter out, I usually spend my days lounging on the sofa. I'm not a big fan of sweating and my tiny paws get burned from the cement if I'm outside too long. We do have a special vacation coming up that I will keep you posted about. I hope I have engaged you enough for one post; my paws are getting tired. Mom will be back shortly with her own musings on cinema and music. Thank you!
Awww, Spike! I love you too! Although I wish you hadn't put a picture of my BUTT for everyone to see. I mean, I know it's a nice backside and all, but really, let's not get the ladies too excited.
Spike blah blah blah Spike blah blah blah treat blah blah blah Spike. Treat blah blah go pee blah!